Morrocan Drop-Off System Failure

15th April 2015 by  in Motorcycle Touring & Travel

The “corner marking system”, as Reda of Palm Road Tours based in Marrakesh and BMW would have it, (the “drop off” system as UK riders know it), has worked very well so far. That is until you combine a rider used to his pillion doing the signalling, with another rider with excess Bon Hommie who is convinced that Phil, (the pillion-less rider is, (as per usual), “dicking about”. Result by the time that, “Tail End Charlie”, (moi), gets to the turn to be told that, “Shaun & Jackie went sailing past about 7-8 minutes ago”.

Morocco Gorge

Result:- I get to have an excuse to go, “play”, for the first time on this tour as I’m responsible for the well being of tour group members and I have to ensure that they are all returned to the UK in the same condition as when they left – ten minutes of blasting up through a superb gorge – BLISS!”

All the best


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